Water flow regulation services

Baseline flow maintenance services are the ecosystem contributions to the regulation of river flows and groundwater and lake water tables. They are derived from the ability of ecosystems to absorb and store water, and gradually release water during dry seasons or periods through evapotranspiration and hence secure a regular flow of water. This may be recorded as a final or intermediate ecosystem service. Peak flow mitigation services are the ecosystem contributions to the regulation of river flows and groundwater and lake water tables. They are derived from the ability of ecosystems to absorb and store water, and hence mitigate the effects of flood and other extreme water-related events. Peak flow mitigation services will be supplied together with river flood mitigation services in providing the benefit of flood protection. This is a final ecosystem service.


Clean water

Servicio ecosistémico:

Water flow regulation services

Activos de capital natural:

Structural and biotic integrity
Land geomorphology

Ecosystem components and types:

Generadores de cambio ambiental:

Generadores de cambio ambiental:

Generadores de cambio ambiental:

Generadores de cambio ambiental: